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In this hilarious book for adults (also illustrated by Ronald,) things heat up for Taffy, a cloned Grey who is dispatched to planet Earth on a mission of Cosmic proportions. He has been commanded by his superior to pursue and engage a reptilian renegade, the likes of which almost destroyed the Draconian Royal Family. The Draconians have made a truce with their neighbours (the Greys) in as much as offering bountiful peace and protection, in exchange for Baltazar’s head. Strap yourself in and see things from the Grey’s perspective, especially when encountering Mankind. Can Taffy save the day, or will the Draconians have him and his leader for dinner?


The voice of Taffy
Harry Singers, the Audio-Artist and superbly gifted gentleman,
is narrating the book, being the voice of 'Taffy,' along with other characters portrayed within its pages. Ronald is honoured to have Harry as part of this project, and couldn't wish for a more talented soul to bring the book to life.

This fast-paced action, Sci-Fi adventure is written to amuse and entertain, with a disgruntled Taffy having to locate the evil Baltazar (a Reptilian Rogue who absconded his own kind for treacherous deeds.) This edition is available in eBook, Paperback and Hardcover and is shortly to be narrated by Harry Singers, a veteran voice artist who will heat things up. Taffy also finds out what happened to his lot back at Roswell in 1947, along with meeting the challenge of avoiding Humans in his quest to locate the slippery rogue who is hiding somewhere on planet Earth.
This illustration depicts Taffy's assembled helper, a mechanised brute called Jax. Taffy discovers, to his dismay, that the included shipment to aid his agenda is not only cocky, but also downright careless!

Colour illustration depicting a wandering tramp within woodland, haphazardly encountering Taffy in his search for clues.
Harry's Science Fiction Book
To a cash-strapped student, solving the puzzle of an alien artefact alters history and brings about dire consequences, unleashing a frightening foe to terrorise the future. The World has already beaten the NAZI’s once before. Now it’s up to David and his mysterious new friends to fight the menace again and return the world to normal....whatever normal is.
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